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Monday, 26. January 2004
___________Eat More Chocolate!___________

Women, Chocolate and the Brain: More Than a Food, Less Than a Drug

Chocolate and a Brain Chemical That Mimics marijuana

It has been said of chocolate it's "MORE THAN A FOOD, LESS THAN A DRUG."

There are a variety of chemicals in chocolate that have been held up as candidates to explain it's soothing almost caressing properties. In fact according to published reports, chocolate contains more than 300 known chemicals.

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Saturday, 24. January 2004
When - J E S U S - Came Into My Heart

It was the most significant moment in my life! I felt a rush of energy flow through my body -- It was as if 220 volts had been plugged into my head!
Jesus - CONNECTS - Man with GOD!!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Wednesday, 20. February 2002
S i t u a t i o n a l A w a r e n e s s

Situation Awareness (SA) as a phenomenon: –“the perception of the elements in the environment within a volume of time and space, the comprehension of their meaning and the projection of their status in the near future” (Endsley, 1988).

SA is knowing what's going on around you so you know what to do next.

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by rkb2000 (2/12/05, 7:26 AM)
“You never listen!” These angry words echo from both sides...
by rkb2000 (2/12/05, 6:57 AM)
-----A_l_i_e_n_s___o_f___t_h_e___D_e_e_p---- Aliens of
the Deep - I saw this James Cameron - 3D - IMAX...
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A9 Very Cool, if you Google, you'll love A9!!! Highly...
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2004 Year-End Google - ZEITGEIST
Based on billions of searches - a unique perspective on...
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free Visit Vlad Studio for free wallpaper, icons, pointers, ecards,...
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___________Eat More Chocolate!___________ Women, Chocolate
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by rkb2000 (1/28/04, 6:33 AM)
Women, Chocolate and the Brain
Women, Chocolate and the Brain: More Than a Food, Less...
by rkb2000 (1/28/04, 6:26 AM)
______________________________________ My home during
the year of 1970. ____________________________________________ _____________377th SPS, USAF, RVN____________ ____________________________________________ The...
by rkb2000 (1/27/04, 10:32 PM)

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You Never Listen

COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS “You never listen!” These angry words echo from both sides of the chasm between parent and teen. Negative words outweigh positive, making communication impossible and connection a distant memory. Parents revert to the past, remembering the heart-warming, thriving relationship with their adoring child — now an antagonistic and difficult teen. Teens project to the future, an unseen day where parents’ words fade in the freedom to do “whatever I want.” Neither perspective fosters healthy communication. Since the teen years are the launch pad to adulthood, and parents have much to contribute for the journey, it’s critical for parents to find ways to restore clarity and understanding.

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Aliens of the Deep - I saw this James Cameron - 3D - IMAX - film at the Mall of Georgia last Tuesday, Jan 25, 05 at a sneak preview with my wife and two boys (ages 10 & 13). It is a great family film, and a must for divers or lovers of the underwater world. Deep Water dives in mini-subs find life in deep, dark canyons and reveal terrestrial extremophiles thriving around scalding hydrothermal vents. This strange variation of life depends on the chemical processes of chemosynthesis rather than photosynthesis.

Web Search - Aliens of the Deep

Official Movie Website

QuickTime Trailer at

See the Clown Fish


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Cool New SEARCH Tool - A9

Very Cool, if you Google, you'll love A9!!! Highly Recommended.

A9 in Business 2.0: A9 Lets Photos Do The Walking:

" is a powerful search engine, using web search and image search results enhanced by Google, Search Inside the Book® results from, reference results from GuruNet, movies results from IMDb, and more. remembers your information so you don’t have to. You can keep your own notes about any web page and search them; it is a new way to store and organize your bookmarks; it even recommends new sites and favorite old sites specifically for you to visit." brings Yellow Pages to life by adding - 20 million images. The most powerful technology invented for Yellow Pages is “Block View,” which brings the Yellow Pages to life by showing a street view of millions of businesses and their surroundings. Using trucks equipped with digital cameras, global positioning system (GPS) receivers, and proprietary software and hardware, drove tens of thousands of miles capturing images and matching them with businesses and the way they look from the street.

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2004 Year-End Google - ZEITGEIST

Based on billions of searches - a unique perspective on the year's major events and trends.

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Cool Wallpapers and more for free

Visit Vlad Studio for free wallpaper, icons, pointers, ecards, photoshop tutorial and more...
From the website: "VladStudio is a design company run by graphics enthusiast and digital artist Vlad Gerasimov. Since 1998, I have been providing competition-winning user interfaces for web sites and software applications. I specialize in web design and development, database-driven sites, skins, icons, logotypes and collateral graphics. My commercial work and artwork has recevied enormous positive feedback. I love my job, and I am happy to be the part of my clients' success."

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___________Eat More Chocolate!___________

Women, Chocolate and the Brain: More Than a Food, Less Than a Drug

Chocolate and a Brain Chemical That Mimics marijuana

It has been said of chocolate it's "MORE THAN A FOOD, LESS THAN A DRUG."

There are a variety of chemicals in chocolate that have been held up as candidates to explain it's soothing almost caressing properties. In fact according to published reports, chocolate contains more than 300 known chemicals.

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Women, Chocolate and the Brain

Women, Chocolate and the Brain: More Than a Food, Less Than a Drug

Chocolate and a Brain Chemical That Mimics Marijuana

It has been said of chocolate it's "MORE THAN A FOOD, LESS THAN A DRUG." Allegedly some women prefer chocolate to sex and chocolate has been found to contain a substance that acts on the same receptors as marijuana in the brain!

FORTY PERCENT of women in the United States say they have a craving for chocolate before and during menses according to Understanding the Theories Behind Chocolate Cravings. Yet researchers have yet to agree if this is a biological or psychological phenomenon. Is some chemical in the chocolate causing the attraction or is it because chocolate is just plain yummy?

Dr. Debra Zellner, a professor at Montclair State University in New Jersey believes the woman chocolate thing is a cultural phenomenon," that women in the U.S. have the craving because they've turned chocolate into a nutritional taboo". For example, she found that women in Egypt are not longing for chocolate. See SU Prof's Study Says Women's Love of Chocolate is Cultural.

Chocolate and A Brain Chemical That Mimics Marijuana
Chocolate Contains Substance Anandamide that Mimics the Effects of Marijuana : Fits in THC Cannabinoid Receptors of the Brain
Anandamide a substance that acts in our brain like the active ingredient in marijuana is a chemical that is produced in our brains in addition to being found in chocolate. Anandamide was in the news recently as the purported source of the "runners high". See Study Links Marijuana Buzz to 'Runner's High'.
Chocolate Contains Chemical That Activates Marijuana Brain Receptor and Others That Prevent Marijuana Mimic's Destruction
Anandamide (arachidonyl ethanolamide) is a chemical produced in our brain that scientists think is natural mimic of marijuana. Anandamide activates receptors in the brain that are activated by tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingedient in marijuana. Our body produces a chemical or chemicals that have endogenous cannabis (marijuana) like properties. The brain has marijuana receptors called thc receptors which is odd since marijuana is not a natural body chemical.

It turns out that chocolate has anandamide as well as two other chemicals,
N-oleoylethanolamine and

Daniele Piomelli, a scientist at the University of California, Irvine studies "the function of lipid-derived messengers, with particular emphasis on the endogenous cannabinoids anandamide and 2-arachidonylglycerol. In 1996, Emmanuelle di Tomaso (she's now at Harvard University) and Piomelli found three substances in chocolate that "could act as cannabinoid mimics either directly (by activating cannabinoid receptors) or indirectly (by increasing anandamide levels)." Anandamide is also synthesized in areas of the brain that are important in memory and higher thought processes and in areas that control movement. That implies that anandamide's function is not just to produce bliss. Lab of Daniele Piomelli.

See this Page from Exploratorium With Real Audio Interview With Piomelli.

More Psychoactive Chemicals in Chocolate
There are a variety of chemicals in chocolate that have been held up as candidates to explain it's soothing almost caressing properties. In fact according to published reports, chocolate contains more than 300 known chemicals. There are psychoactive chemicals in chocolate but the naysayers ask how could they possibly have an effect in the small quantities that are present.
Among the psychoactive chemicals in chocolate are:

related to caffeine
Tyramine is a nervous system stimulant that is made naturally from the amino acid tyrosine. It's found in a variety of food products such as cheese and wine. People on the anti depressants called monoamine oxidase inhibitors are cautioned to avoid tyramine containing foods because tyramine accumulates in these people with nasty side effects like high blood pressure and migraine headaches.
See Why Chocolate Makes Us Feel Good.

See Chocolate Treatment and Psychiatry and for more about the "trace-amines" phenylethylamine and tyramine see Obscure Brain Chemicals Draw New Attention and chocolate in general see Exploring Online The Sweet Lure of Chocolate.

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My home during the year of 1970.
_____________377th SPS, USAF, RVN____________
The 377th SPS is the only Security Force from Viet Nam still on active duty and the most decorated in U.S. Air Force History. The first in country (Republic of Vietnam) and the last to leave.
-----------------In Remberance--------------------
"When you go home,
Tell them of us and say,
For their tomorrow,
We gave our today."
-------------FREEDOM IS NOT FREE----------------
Unit Decorations:
Presidential Unit Citation Jan. 31 - Feb 2, 1968;
Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards with Combat "V" Device: April 8, 1966-May 31, 1967; January 31-March 31, 1968; April 1, 1969-March 31, 1971; January 17, 1972-March 28, 1973.
Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards: June 14, 1985-June 13, 1987; May 1, 1989-April 30, 1991.
Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm, April 8, 1966-January 28, 1973.
____The Presidential Unit Citation credited the 377th SPS for " ... extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an opposing armed force." The citation read in part, " ... Tan Son Nhut AB suddenly came under attack from a large, multi-battalion hostile force using rockets, mortars, automatic weapons and small arms. The small 377th SPS, armed only with light weapons, reacted immediately, established strong defensive positions, and heroically held off the attackers during the early, critical hours until Republic of Vietnam and U.S. Army reinforcements could respond."

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___________D.i.g.i.t.a.l. . .V.i.s.i.o.n_________

ATOMs, Bits, and Bytes in the matrix:
"The Industrial Revolution was a period in which society learned how to process, sort, rearrange, recombine, and transport atoms in unprecedented fashion...Because, of course, while the world may be composed of atoms, people don't perceive it that way. ... The information reflected in bits comes to us, for example, as stories, documents, diagrams, pictures, or narratives, as knowledge and meaning, and in communities, organizations, and institutions." from - The Social Life of Information: by John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid

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_____Residual Brain Life during Drowning_____

40 degree F water will cool off a humanoid body 25 times faster than 40 degree F air.

The life expectancy for someone in near freezing water is measured in minutes. Their effective time before exhaustion and unconsciousness is under 15 minutes.

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_________Encyclopedia Titanica_____________

A unique resource for anyone interested in the TITANIC - 2457 summaries as well as detailed passenger and crew biographies, regularly updated passenger and crew listings, exclusive research articles and ongoing discussions about the Titanic. Bookmark the What's New page to keep up with site updates or sign-up for our monthly newsletter and what's new email alerts.

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_____________Long View________________

"Seen from the moon, we all are equally small." - Dutch author Multatuli (1820-1887)

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When - J E S U S - Came Into My Heart

It was the most significant moment in my life! I felt a rush of energy flow through my body -- It was as if 220 volts had been plugged into my head!
Jesus - CONNECTS - Man with GOD!!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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The Social Life of Information

by - John Seely Brown - and - Paul Duguid

---------------------------------------------------Published in 2000 and reissued in paperback with revisions in 2002, The Social Life of Information attempts to clear some of hype about the "information age," and to offer alternative ways of thinking about the future.

Review Excerpts:

Harvard Business Review(November-December 2000)
chose the book as one of the (10) best business books of 2000. (The only one in the 10 to come from Harvard Business School Press.) It describes the book as "funny, graceful, subtle, and insightful" and its argument as "extraordinarily compelling."
On-line version of the table of contents:


About the book

About the authors

Other publications


Introduction: Tunneling Ahead -

Chapter 1: Limits to Information -

Chapter 2: Agents and Angels -

Chapter 3: Home Alone -

Chapter 4: Practice Makes Process -

CIO published an edited version of chapter 4, a critique of "Business Process Re-engineering [BPR]." Mike Hammer, one of the leading proponents of BPR wrote a respons. The link above leads there.

Chapter 5: Learning—in Theory and in Practice -

Red Rock Eater, and Internet News Service published chapter 5, omitting the notes and the bibliography. The link above leads there.

Chapter 6: Innovating Organization, Husbanding Knowledge

Chapter 7: Reading the Background

Chapter 8: Re-education

Afterword: Beyond Information


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S i t u a t i o n a l A w a r e n e s s

Situation Awareness (SA) as a phenomenon: –“the perception of the elements in the environment within a volume of time and space, the comprehension of their meaning and the projection of their status in the near future” (Endsley, 1988).

SA is knowing what's going on around you so you know what to do next.

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